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1  Your Web / SEO Forum / Anyone heard of "Ignite SEO"? on: May 22, 2011, 02:06:51 pm
Came across their site today, claims to be able to build links almost anywhere (blog commenting, forum posting, some web 2.0), with all these strange unique features almost cobbled together.

I need to find out if anyone here knows anything about that program or has used it - as it's quite pricey, not sure I just want to dive in!

Your wise experience is appreciated Smiley
2  Your Web / SEO Forum / Ignite SEO Link Builder Tool on: May 22, 2011, 01:51:49 pm
Hey I've been looking at the Ignite SEO tool, does anyone here have any experience with it? There is a free trial available

From their page:

Fully automated backlink building. Web analytics. Competition analysis. Keyword research. Drive SEO campaigns with Ignite SEO, the easy SEO software.

More effective, reliable and intelligent than the alternatives.
Be smarter: research, plan, and implement your online strategy through automation.

Simple link building. Improved rankings.
Building backlinks to a site is a time consuming task but its the primary factor used to rank webpages in search results.
Ignite SEOs One Click Link Building completes the link building campaign to free up your time:

Supply Ignite SEO your competitors domains and your keywords and it will access all of the sites that link to them, registering for an account then posting a related link to your website.
Alternatively, give it a keyword and Ignite SEP will find sites related to it and post backlinks to your website.
Ignite's wider approach means it isn't limited by the web platform, unlike other backlink building tools.

Record, view and correlate your rankings and ranking influences
Track your competitors sites rankings in search engines.
Also record SEO influences such as the number of backlinks, pagerank, backlink anchor text and traffic.

Generate content - with all the help you need
Quickly research related content through search engine and feed scraping.
Automatically rewrite articles using semantics as well as with a thesaurus.

A single with everything you need
Copy your competitors backlinks in one tab, in another review the keywords sending them traffic, open another tabbed window to create content and post it to your site.
3  Your Web / SEO Forum / Re: Detecting if a site has rel-nofollow on: May 22, 2011, 01:49:43 pm
you can use the Chrome SEO plugin to highlight nofollows in chrome
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