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1  Your Web / Web Hosting / Re: Decent Hosting Providers in India ? on: January 20, 2010, 06:23:34 am
Hosting providers like Znet India think they can do whatever they want with ... stuff.. anyways do let me know, if you are looking for a decent server.


2  Multimedia & Design / Graphics Design / I like you use for designing? on: August 08, 2008, 03:45:21 am

I am happy is the best site
3  Hardware, Software and Security / Hardware / Disk Boot Error after installing second harddrive improperly on: August 08, 2008, 03:42:44 am

Well, I just keep on getting a "BOOT DISK ERROR" When the machine boots up.

Well, my original drive was set to be Cable Select...
The new drive I was adding was set to be a Slave...
Problem was, I (Not realising what I was doing) hooked the slave up to the first connector on my IDE cable, and my original drive to the second connector on my IDE cable. The machine only picked up the newly added drive, which made me realise my grievous error. I quickly switched the cables around, and recieved a "BOOT DISK ERROR". Throw in a Windows XP CD and everything works fine, leave it out, and the BOOT DISK ERROR returns. I'm pretty sure that a reformat and a clean install would fix the problem, but is there some other way around this?
4  Hardware, Software and Security / Software / How Good? on: August 08, 2008, 03:38:48 am

How good of a printer do you want? You can get something like the HP OfficeJet, they have reasonably nice photo realistic printers. Or if your an extremist, you could check out Xerox's new wax/plastic printers, I hear they're nice.
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