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1  The IT Department / Programming / Re: JSON is STUPID on: October 18, 2011, 03:11:46 am
Have to admit, I've used JSON a shit load over the past few years.

It is a lot a lot better than XML for storing data, its purely what i use it for trivial kind of settings etc, PHP and XML i really hate with the whole DOM document, i understand it is powerful n' all but its a fucking mess.
Where as doing my own library to manage JSON for simple storage solutions is a lot better.

I am trying to use it at the moment to make minimal database calls, aka heavy caching for some basic data.

Reason i got into JSON was javascript (massive fan of JS now done my own library worked with jquery) thats all based around JSON objects, where it is the only way really of managing javascript libraries.
2  General / General / Support / Capitalism on: October 18, 2011, 03:05:48 am
Aint it a hoot.

Thought I'd pop on the forum was looking for a webmaster forum, had some queries and thought about this place Grin amazed i still remembered the URL and my login!
3  Hardware, Software and Security / Software / Re: Mac monitoring software on: October 18, 2011, 03:03:05 am
I always question applications like that, I would only use it if you can find any half decent reviews of the actual software if you can't I'd stay clear.
4  Hardware, Software and Security / IT Security Forum / Re: Using htaccess to stop hacking attempts on: October 18, 2011, 03:01:39 am
Never even considered being hacked through htaccess, can't really think of any sites that actually take data from the url without going through XSS functions etc.
5  Your Web / News / Re: Darksat, 1000 Days and Counting. on: May 11, 2010, 11:47:58 am
very impressive a good time to push the forum I'd say.
6  General / Politics Religion & Humour / Re: Hitler responds to the Ipad on: March 20, 2010, 03:59:42 am
I'm disappointed in the iPad i expected better, and thats all I shall say on the subject :p.
7  General / General / Support / Re: Hi This is my first post on: March 20, 2010, 03:58:48 am
Welcome stick around this forum is full of information.

I seem to pop on on a bimonthly basis Smiley.
8  Multimedia & Design / Website Design / Re: HTML5 on IE6 (and other tricks) on: March 20, 2010, 03:57:13 am
Are you getting into html5 or anything, I haven't looked up anything about it and don't know what all the hype is about.

I take its just similar to flash, and in my opinion it'll be good to say bye bye to unstable flash.
9  Multimedia & Design / Website Design / Re: Cushy CMS on: March 20, 2010, 03:55:57 am
Thats brill Grin.

Trying to build my own at the moment and its surprisingly easy to do!

Its just building everything around that now so users can select their files and have logins etc.
10  Multimedia & Design / Website Design / Re: jQuery Tutorials for Designers on: March 20, 2010, 03:54:57 am
While I'd class myself as a pritty good javascript developer I've built my own frameworks I've done a lot of stuff with javascript.

It gives me a healthy respect for jQuery it can do a hell of a lot for what it is, my only issue is how people see frameworks, they think its just going to be $('openLightbox'); to just do everying in the world that they want, but you have to understand its the foundation for javascript coding.

To put this into light I build a javascript library for the place I work at and my boss says to me "I want it to be simple I want it to open a light box by just putting myLib('openLightbox') kinda simple." but even if I say it is just a framework he will not understand it cause no one where I work is a Javascript developer.

This is where your jQuery plugins come to light and that is where the real functionality begins its fantastic and highly recommended to people who want simple and easy web application foundation.
11  General / Gaming / Re: PS3 wii motion controller for the playstation on: March 20, 2010, 03:49:55 am
I absolutely cannot wait for this, its said to retail at something like £42 per controller which in comparison to their current controllers is £35 so to be honest the price is quite affordable, and the wii being the "affordable" machine their controllers are £30 so i think all in all this could be a good move for sony.

I know people wont buy the PS3 just because of the price of the console but when you look at what is packed into those machines the price soon makes sense, and with this new controller it will really show its true colours with what it can do.

Yeah it wont rival the Wii because I would say thats a completely different market just because of the games, the wii is not as serious its more funny their for a laugh, but sony I think bring their games into the serious realm which I think is why this wont sell that well, because people looking for motion will go for the wii lets be honest.

But when it comes out I'll be buying one, theirs quite a few games in development but it is a key turning point for gaming just because of the wii so bring it on sony Grin.
12  Multimedia & Design / Website Design / Re: Rolling a coke can around with pure CSS on: January 27, 2010, 03:07:29 pm
Haha such a simple trick when you think about it!!

With some javascript that could be a really nice trick.
13  Hardware, Software and Security / Hardware / Re: Wii remote for the PS3 on: October 14, 2009, 11:58:07 am
I'd happily buy a PS3 if it had a wii remote!
14  Multimedia & Design / Website Design / Re: ByteView, the world Smallest Javascript Lightview on: October 14, 2009, 11:56:30 am
I'm not a fan of creating a lib like that.
I would look into more OO programming and then how to chain functions.

Your basic javascript OO programming would have one global variable such as:

var myLib = {
    myfunction = function(){

    myfunction2 = function(){


This way you can call it like so myLib.myfunction2();
this way it keeps your functions to your own lib etc.

I absolutely adore javascript OO programming at the moment I've thrown myself into it head 1st Grin.
Just PM me if you want any JS related help Grin.
15  General / General / Support / Re: DarkView or ByteView on: October 14, 2009, 11:46:33 am
I've cracked it but its overly bloated for my liking but yeah my theory was correct.

But I intend on breaking down a few other scripts people have done to find out how they do it better.
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