Enter if you wish, it looks like a great contest, but consider their privacy policy... (not to mention an ugly site on a great domain)
We may use information that you provide to tell you about carefully screened products which we feel may be of interest to you. Also, we may share our mailing list (your name and physical address) and your general shopping activity information with a few select companies whose products and services are similar to ours. We do this because most of our customers enjoy being introduced to new or value oriented products/services. In addition, we sometimes use e-mail addresses to contact visitors who communicate with us. For example, we send e-email to visitors who provide us with their e-mail addresses for specific purposes, such as our regular newsletter with topics of interest relating to photography, providing information about promotions, or responding to an inquiry.
They say...
If for any reason you do not wish to receive communications from Picture.com or from affiliated third- party merchants, or any interested third parties from whom we think you may want to receive information, just tell us. Call us at 410-363-4800
That's not a toll-free number, too, just be careful.
Good luck to all entrants!